"use strict";


var React = require("react");
var Carousel = require("merry-go-round/Carousel");

var MAX_WIDTH = 1024/*px*/;
var MARGIN = 16/*px*/;
var ANIMATION_DURATION = 400/*ms*/;
var COLORS = [

var Page = React.createClass({
    render () {
        var boxes =, index) => {
            color = COLORS[(index + this.props.index) % COLORS.length];
            return (
{ }
); }); return (
{ boxes }
); }, }); var MyCarousel = React.createClass({ getInitialState () { return { screenWidth: window.innerWidth, pageIndex: 0, previousPageIndex: 0, }; }, updateScreenSize () { this.setState({ screenWidth: window.innerWidth, }); }, componentDidMount () { window.addEventListener("resize", this.updateScreenSize, false); }, handleSwipe (event) { var pageIndex = this.state.pageIndex + event.sign; this.setState({ pageIndex: pageIndex }); clearTimeout(this.animationTimer); this.animationTimer = setTimeout(() => { this.setState({ previousPageIndex: pageIndex }); }, ANIMATION_DURATION); }, render () { var pages = [{ text: "foo", }, { text: "bar", }]; var width = Math.min(this.state.screenWidth, MAX_WIDTH); var pageWidth = width - MARGIN * 2; var height = Math.ceil(pageWidth / 21 * 9); return ( ); }, }); React.initializeTouchEvents(); React.renderComponent(MyCarousel(), document.getElementById("example")); // expose for React devtools. window.React = React;
    position: relative

        position: relative
        width: 9999px

            transition: all 0.4s ease-out

        position: absolute
        float: left

    width: 100%
    height: 100%

// just to make the boxes look more interesting :)
    float: left
    display: inline-block
    width: 23%
    height: 30%
    border: 2px solid black
    margin: 0 1% 1.5333%
    box-shadow: 0 0 40px #000 inset
    text-align: center
    color: #fff
    line-height: 12vw

Basic Mobile Carousel

This features a basic example of a swipeable mobile carousel with multiple items on a page, with a slight reveal of the surrounding pages and looping.